Farm Diary: April 17th, 2016 (1) All things are growing and growing 모든 것이 자라고 있어요 [We have planted potatos.] [감자를 심어놨어요.] [Strawberries] [딸기] [Sangchu (I don't know the English name for this)] [상추 (영어 이름을 모르겠어요)] [I love it actually] [상추 사랑합니다] 더보기 Green things: March 31st - April 8th Hello, everyone! I hope you're having a nice day :) Today, I want to show you a little evolution of the plants I showed you last time. 안녕, 여러분! 모두 좋은 하루 보내고 있길 바래요 :) 오늘, 저는 저번에 보여드렸던 화초의 변화과정을 보여주고 싶어요. [Isn't it absolutely beautiful?! You have to clean the floor often tho... :)] [완전 예쁘지 않나요?! 자주 바닥을 치워줘야하긴 합니다... :)] [This is a little evolution. Can you see the difference through time?] [작은 변화.. 더보기 Green Things: March 30, 31st What is better than pretty flowers in Spring? We got these 2 beautiful looking plants! 봄에 예쁜 꽃들만큼 좋은것이 있을까요? 예쁘게 생긴 2가지 화초를 샀어요! [The whole shot of the tree. Yellow flower covers the whole tree in short time. Everyday's different.] [나무의 전체 사진. 짧은 시간에 노란 꽃이 나무 전체를 덮습니다. 매일이 달라요.] [This is another one. It just never stops blooming in spring.] [또 다른 화초입니다. 봄에는 쉼없이 꽃이 핍니다.] You'll see both of them a.. 더보기 Farm Diary: March 26th, 2016 This is the day when we planted potato! We let the stem grow in our house, and took them out. 이 날은 감자를 심었어요! 집에서 줄기를 기른 다음 가지고 나왔어요. [First step is to lay some vinyls to prevent plants we didn't want to grow] [가장 먼저 다른 식물이 자라지 않도록 비닐을 씌워줍니다] [And put some dirt to prevent being blown] [그리고 흙을 덮어 날아가는 것을 방지합니다] [And poke some holes] [그리고 구멍을 뚫어] [to plant your potato] [감자를 심습니다] [When you only see.. 더보기 Farm Diary: March 20th, 2016 This is the day our family started a tiny farm. We made some indents to plant lots of things. Since it was the first experience of all of us, we were just excited! By the way, my explanation over certain farm things(?) won't be so perfect. Just a reminder :) 이 날 주말농장을 시작했어요. 이것저것 많이 심기 위해 이날 고랑을 만들었습니다. 모두에게 첫경험이었기 때문에 그냥 신났었어요! 참고로 제가 농장에 대해 설명을 잘 못할 수도 있으니 참고해 주세요 :) (First look of the ground... 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 다음