Farm Diary: April 17th, 2016 (1) All things are growing and growing 모든 것이 자라고 있어요 [We have planted potatos.] [감자를 심어놨어요.] [Strawberries] [딸기] [Sangchu (I don't know the English name for this)] [상추 (영어 이름을 모르겠어요)] [I love it actually] [상추 사랑합니다] 더보기 April 15th, 2016: My birthday Frankly, I don't really remember what happened in my birthday lol.. Our family celebrates it, but as partying culture is not a thing in here, the point of celebrating is on spending your time with who you love. 솔직히, 제 생일에 무슨 일이 있었는지는 기억이 잘 안납니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.. 축하하기는 하지만, 파티문화가 없어서 사랑하는 사람과 시간을 보내는 것이 중요한것 같습니다. [The look of the sky that day] [생일날 하늘사진] [We went to a restaurant to celebrate it. It was qui.. 더보기 April 11th: Making pancakes Feels like it's been a long time since I have just talked about my daily life.. I know it's not that long ago, but, you know. :) I don't really cook. I'll have to practice a lot to be good. But when things I have to do is so little, so I can cook my favorite food, I'm down! 제가 그냥 일상생활에 대해 이야기한 지가 오래된것처럼 느껴져요.. 그렇게 오래되진 않았다는 거 알지만, 그런거 있잖아요. :) 저는 그닥 요리를 하지 않습니다. 요리를 잘 하려면 많이 연습해야 할 거에요. 하지만 제가 할.. 더보기 Green things: March 31st - April 8th Hello, everyone! I hope you're having a nice day :) Today, I want to show you a little evolution of the plants I showed you last time. 안녕, 여러분! 모두 좋은 하루 보내고 있길 바래요 :) 오늘, 저는 저번에 보여드렸던 화초의 변화과정을 보여주고 싶어요. [Isn't it absolutely beautiful?! You have to clean the floor often tho... :)] [완전 예쁘지 않나요?! 자주 바닥을 치워줘야하긴 합니다... :)] [This is a little evolution. Can you see the difference through time?] [작은 변화.. 더보기 April 2nd: Practicing Photoshop From when I was young, I've been enjoying playing with different computer programs. I don't think I'm an expert to any of them, but it's definitely one of my hobbies! To me, programs like Photoshop always seemed a bit hard for me. So I made a few attempts! 저는 어렸을 때부터 다양한 컴퓨터 프로그램을 가지고 노는 것을 좋아했어요. 전문가 수준인 것은 아무것도 없지만, 제 취미중 하나라는 것은 확실합니다! 제게 포토샵과 같은 프로그램은 항상 어렵게 느껴졌어요. 그래서 연습을 좀 해봤답니다! [Original.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 23 다음